
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 08:27:30
不是要影评,是要电影的故事情节,从开始到结尾,这部电影说的是什么.谢谢了 有没有别的提供了,急需啊

A brief introduction of “the legend of 1900”

“the legend of 1900”,translated as “海上钢琴师” in Chinese, directed by Giuseppe Tornatore,told a story about an deserted on a post steamship orphan who was also a born panist.

Due to his unique experience, his sea-blue eyes can see what’s inside a person from his appearance, and compose a beautiful melody at the sight of whatever he saw on the steamship. With the fear of living on the land , he choose loneliness and freedom ,and give up to find his only lover he had met on the steamship.

The words he said to explain why he didn’t go down the ship was moving and thoughtful:It not because of what I had saw, but what I couldn’t saw. For 1900,the land is too big a piano, too beautiful a women, too long a sea route that he couldn’t play, the land is a piano for God.

This movie shows people another perspective to observe and contemplate ordinary life, which we take it for granted. And it is also spoke